St Martins Low Marple

Parish Hall

Originally a private school built by the Hudson family to benefit local children, taken over under the 1948 Education Act and subsequently sold by the local authority after the establishment of the Rosehill School. The Hall was purchased by the church in 1960 to be used as a recreational facility - youth clubs, badminton clubs and other activities were well known to take place here.

The hall has been substantially upgraded and redecorated in recent years and comprises a large hall, a coffee lounge and carpeted lounge. Together with modern kitchen, disabled access and loos, child changing facilities the hall is a flexible venue and used by Art groups, band rehearsal, community bridge, dancing, Mothers' Union and Sunday School.

To enquire about availability contact Mike Powell  (email: mikerpowell[@]

The rates for use are as follows:

Commercial / profit making rates

rates when used by profitmaking organisations

Community Hire Rates

Community charges for using the parish hall

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